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Would you like helpful information to plan your visit or day? What kind of trip or activities are you planning? We’ll send you information oriented to your type of visit and interests.
You will be added to our Monthly eNewsletter Feature customized for the monthly holidays, events, contests, special offers, gift drawings and more.
Comments or questions are welcome.
Email Privacy Policy
San Antonio Guide Map takes your privacy very seriously. We will never sell or give away any of your contact information to outside parties or vendors. We may occasionally send you a San Antonio Guide Map reader survey or other relevant San Antonio Guide Map information. We will send regular email promotions that will include information about our Sponsors tailored to your interests, but no more than once per month. We make sure these emails are relevant; we allow you to unsubscribe; and we send these emails directly from the San Antonio Guide Map system (clearly marked), and not from outside sources. Again, we never share or sell your information with outside parties. Also, our eNewsletters and direct emails contain links to outside Web sites. San Antonio Guide Map is not responsible for the policies or practices of these or any outside Web sites, and we advise that you read the privacy policies of the sites. If you have any privacy questions or concerns, please email us.